Quilter's Guild of Parker County
2019 challenges.
Paint Chip Challenge #2 Photo Gallery
WOW! What a spectacular show of quilts for this Paint Chip Challenge!
Congratulations to the winners:
Congratulations to the winners:
- People's Choice - Yvonne W.
- Members' Choice - Sarellen L.
Paint Chip #2 Challenge Guidelines

We are having another paint chip challenge! This one will have different rules from the first. We will be making monochromatic or one color quilts.
- We will each be randomly assigned a paint chip to get our color, then we will use a variety of shades - gradations of lighter and darker colors than our paint chip to make our quilts.
- Prints are OK if the predominant color is right.
- Embellishments or any artsy details are encouraged.
- Maximum size is 18” X 18”, but any size smaller is OK.
- Your quilts must have your name on the back and be completed and turned in at our August meeting.
- I will gather the quilts and they will be displayed at the quilt auction in September. They will be displayed only, not sold, and will be returned to the maker at the end the auction or at the October meeting.
- We will also vote for our favorite quilt at the auction.
- Ribbons will be awarded. Have fun and let your creativity flow!
Vertical Divider
Initial Challenge Photo Gallery
Initial Challenge Guidelines
Announcing our very first paint chip challenge! Please participate in making a small quilt to show at our Comfort Quilt Sew-In on April 18th. There will be prizes! Categories are listed below.
- Go to Lowes, Home Depot or wherever and select 3 paint chips or color samples that the names correspond with your initials. For example; I am ALR, so I might find paint color samples Aqua, Lemon and Red. It must be the name of the color that begins with your initial. You must use your legal name! No skirting the rules with nicknames
- Figure out a way to use these colors in a small quilt. You must use each color in a recognizable amount. Prints must be predominately the chip color. You may add additional fabrics.
- Think out of the box! Unusual fabrics, techniques or embellishments are strongly encouraged! The quilt may be pieced, fused, glued, woven or anything you can think of to get 3 layers to be a legal quilt.
- Your quilt may not exceed 24" X 24" although it may be any size smaller. No side may exceed 24".
- Label the back with your name.
- Bring your FINISHED quilt to Comfort Quilt Sew-In in April. You must have the paint chips you used to create the quilt as they will be attached to the quilt when it is displayed.
- Have fun! This is a challenge to help us improve our creative skills!
- Multiple entries are OK!
REMEMBER: This is not a "three fabric" challenge. It's all about the color of the THREE paint chips.
- Most Creative
- Best Match of Fabric to Paint Chips
- Best Use of Embellishments
- Member's Choice
- President's Choice
Since our Sew-In will be held at Couts Methodist Church, we will hold our regular business meeting there as well. It will be short and sweet after a long day of sewing, but we want members to come and see the challenge quilts and participate in the voting. We have a few fine details to work out and we will keep you updated. But for now, you should have plenty of time to create something small for the challenge. Good luck and have fun!
If you make your quilt with only the three colors in your paint chips, you will be eligible for the President's Challenge Award! The winning quilt will be selected by the President and awarded a cash prize!